






发布时间:   来源: 韩国新华网

Wonderful Works Unfold Gorgeous Lives


Our thoughts observing Hu Yubin's photography Exhibition


  凤凰新闻社讯【记者 苏敏 张利平 李增 王超】Phoenix News, reporter Su Ming, Zhang Liping, Li Zeng and Wang Chao.





2018年316日,在北京798艺术中心“中国摄影家协会”展厅,开展了一场别开生面的以《寂静之歌》为主题的胡予缤摄影作品展览活动。一幅幅精彩绝伦的摄影作品,吸引了国内外摄影爱好者、新闻工作者和国内外摄影界资深人士的目光和遐想。摄影展,不仅给人以美不胜收的感觉,而且让大家看到了一个业余摄影家高尚的情怀和对摄影艺术执着的追求。March 16, 2018, an entirely fresh and different exhibit, of Hu Yubing's photographic works under a titled Song of Silence, had made its debut in Beijing 798 Art Center. One-by-one, that artist's unusually wonderful works, attracted eye-sights as well thoughts of viewers: international photography-lovers, senior photography artists and journalists. The exhibit, let viewers have felt as in a super rich esthetical harvest, through the successful delivery of the artist's sublime and his search in art and skills.   

胡予缤的摄影作品,体现出了“寂静”之特色。无论是大漠驼影、圆明园残垣、孤独的胡杨林,还是故宫护城河角楼、贵州苗寨古城……皆远离喧嚣、浮躁、高楼大厦,整个作品中甚至人影难觅,但一片寂静中却蕴藏着人对大自然造化的感叹、赞美,对历史的思考,以及望向远方寂静的目光。Hu Yubing's works, presented characters of the Silence: traveling merchants on camels, lone poplar, ruin of Yuanming royal garden, corner architecture of former palace, Miao Nation's old town... All are far and away from our vibrancy and impetuous under the modern skyscrapers. All together hardly few human figures are in these photos, but in silence they hold very human impressions, praise and sentiments. It associates a viewer his/her thought to history, encouraging his/her seeing-through toward the far silence.       

胡予缤先生是一位企业总裁,也是在科技领域里展露头角的特殊人物,他居然能跻身于摄影界,能拍出能让著名摄影家叹服的摄影作品,这又是怎么一回事呢?胡予缤影展前言的作者罗晋先生向记者揭示了这个既深奥,又简单的谜底。Mr. Hu is an executive of a nterprise, and he has been an emerging figure of science and technologies. As well, his has debut an unexpectedly outstanding in frontline of the photography art circle, being capable to deliver works even well-known photographers admire. How have this happened? Mr. Luo Jin, who authored the Foreword for the Exhibit, has disclosed a simple truth of the sophistication.   

胡予缤从小就是一个聪明过人的好孩子。受知识分子父辈的影响,胡予缤很早就接触并喜欢上摄影,但摄影在那个时代对“爱好者”还是绝对的奢侈品。中学时代的胡予缤比拍照更熟练掌握的是暗房洗照片那一套工序。插队、文革后高考上大学学理工、工作,出国留学、工作,2002年回国全身心投入高科技企业的创业和技术创新,从企业信息系统的研发到领先世界的新光源技术,从理工男到企业管理人员。但无论在农村、还是上大学或在国外学习、工作,胡予缤一直都把摄影作为自己主要的业余爱好。他对摄影的热爱以及对事物敏锐的观察和捕捉能力成就了其作品的个性化内涵和深邃的思想境界。如今身为投资管理公司总经理、国家智库的理事,胡予缤只能在经常忙到深夜的繁忙工作之余,把摄影当做纯粹的业余爱好。一次好不容易挤出时间的九寨沟之行,早晨六点半进沟,晚上六点出来,几乎滴水未进。凭着这股子韧劲儿,凭着他对摄影事业的执着追求,才是他今天能够在摄影界展露头角的真正诠释。Hu Yubing was an outstandingly smart and nice boy. Influenced by his parent's generation, of high intellectuals, he encountered and loved photography at his youth. However, to those years, photography could be an absolute luxury hobby. In his middle school, Hu Yubing mastered darkroom processes, and his skills grew more mature than his field photography. He has participated new-peasant youth movement before entering college, studied and employed in engineering, and then studied and worked abroad. In 2002 he came back China with full commitment for high-tech startups and technological innovations. He pioneered supplemental bandwidth radio communication systems and post-LED healthy engineering lighting, two important latest world inventions from China origin. No matter in countryside, on school campus, live domestically or overseas, Hu Yubin persistently kept his hobby. His passion of photography, fused with sharp observations and capable grasp,enabled his works achieving an individuality realm of inner and in-depth thoughts. Today, as an CEO of a major financial administration enterprise, as well a managing director of a state think-tank, Mr. Hu works day-and-night, still manages to keep the one hobby of his. Once, he went to the famous landmark Nine Stockade Gully, the same day in and out, a round-clock trek, and no-stop for meals. That is his tenacious streak. Persistent persuasion, that truly explains his achieving status in photography. 










本次胡予缤个人摄影展,非常成功。参加这次摄影展的艺术界嘉宾,有中国摄影家协会专家评审委员会主任(兼中国摄影家协会图片社主任)谢颖梅、北京798文化管理委员会主任张国华、词作家乔方(乔羽之子)、国家一级美术师徐宏毅、中央美术学院博士、著名公共艺术策展人及时代空间主持人阿福、北京社科院体育文化中心主任金汕、台湾世界友好促进会理事长林秋金等人。参见这次展会的新闻媒体机构,有国际媒体凤凰新闻社社长田长友先生及相关领导、中国体育报首席记者周继明、腾讯网记者叶珠峰。还有中国建筑装饰协会设计委员会主任陈竟、东方九泓投资股份有限公司董事长岑忠杰先生等企业界人士。This exhibit had a very successful opening. Participants are honored guests, such as: Ms. Xie Yingmei, the director of professional appraisal committee under Chinese Association of Photographers (also for many years she has been the director of the Association's publish house), Mr. Zhang Guohua, the chairman of Administration Committee of 798 Art Zone, poet Qiao Fang (son of the well-known Qiao Yu), State First-Rank Fine Artist Xu Hongy, public art curator and director of Time-Space, a PhD from Central Fine Art Institute, Director Jincan of Sports and Culture Center under China Social Science Academy, General Secretary Lin Qiujin of Taiwan World Friendship Promotion Association, and so on. Media participants of this event included News Sector Chief Tian Changyou of Phoenix News, Reporter Zhou Jiming of China Sport News, Report Ye Zhufeng of Tensent, Also participated are Director Chen Jing of Design Committee under China Architecture Decoration Association. Chairman Yin Zhongjie of Oriental Jiuhong Investment Partnership, LLC.     

我们预祝胡予缤先生有更多精彩的摄影艺术作品问世,预祝胡予缤先生的人生,更加精彩!We wish there are more wonderful photography artworks come out from Hu Yubing, along his wonderful journey of life.


凤凰新闻社【责任编辑 檄文】 Phoenix News (accountable editor, Xi Wen)

































上一篇:如何让中国的扶贫工作走向正轨 ——林嘉騋先生访谈录

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