金武典作家获得韩国月刊纯粹文学史诗部门新人奖김무전 작가 월간 순수문학사 시부문 신인상 선정 2025-03-24 13:04


华文媒体中国沉香考察行 探寻“中国沉香之乡”电白




拥你入怀 (Hold You in My Arms)

发布时间:   来源: 津云

  法国人Sylvain POTIN是天津新华中学的一名法语老师,在天津生活已有10年。在学校的法语课堂上,一首法文歌曲《拥你入怀》,成为他与学生们沟通的“桥梁”。

  Sylvain POTIN, a Frenchman, is a French teacher at Tianjin Xinhua High School, and has been living in Tianjin for 10 years. In a French class at school, a French song, "Hold You in My Arms," has become a "bridge" between him and the students for their mutual communication.

  2024年是中法建交60周年,短视频不仅讲述了Sylvain POTIN融入天津的故事,更展现了他如何用各种巧妙方法激发学生对法语的兴趣,让文化交流缔结友谊纽带。短视频还记录了法国阿兰中学的来访,中法民间交流的真情实感在点滴故事中体现得淋漓尽致。

  The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The short video not only tells the story of Sylvain POTIN's integration into Tianjin, but also demonstrates how he uses various ingenious ways to stimulate his students' interest in French, so that cultural exchanges can form a bond of friendship. In addition, the short video also records the story about the visit of Lycée Alain in France to Tianjin Xinhua High School. The true feelings and emotions about the people-to-people communication between China and France are vividly portrayed in the detailed descriptions of the story.


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